Thursday, February 22, 2007


In the beginning of this episode, Kate and Soyer leave an island in a boat with a stranger, but they don’t leave for a long time. Kate thinks about Jack, prisoner of “the others” on this island, and asks Soyer to return to save him. They ask the guy who was with them, since the beginning, where he came from.

In the mean time, the others ask Jack some questions. He hesitates to answer and finally decides to return in his cage which is used like a jail. After that, we see Jack talking to a woman. She requests his help for her father who is seriously hurt, since Jack is a doctor. He accepts to operate her father but on one condition: that they free the girl who was with him.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Sandra`s kids

Sandra is a special person who devotes her life to helping kids. Even if she has a child, she's able to find a lot of time to help teenagers of her city. She 's the founder of four shops where these young adults can work and learn to be responsible.

Kid's who used to live on the street are learning job skills for the future. Each kid learns a different job.For example, Toby learned how to be a cook by working in the coffey shop. Their job teach them to become a reponsible pearson. For some street kids, it helps them rent thier own apartment and it helps all of them to enjoy their life.

Sandra offers many practical solutions for the kids. For example, she teaches kid's how to manage money, which is really important. By kindness, she goes with them to the court when they have big problems.
In the beginning of this episod of the third season, we saw a man, Desmunt, the one who lives in the bunker, run to the sea and save a woman, Claire, who was drowning. It was like if he could see the futur. Charlie and Hurley asked him how he knew the girl was drowning but he did'nt want to tell them the truth. After that, we saw scenes of Desmunt's past or maybe his futur. I was'nt able to tell if it was things that happened before or after he was on the island. During these moments, he had either past memories or futur visions of when he was on the island. When the story came back to the present, Desmunt told Charlie that he did'nt save Claire, in the morning, but him, Charlie. Finally, he told Charlie that he would die soon.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

You're smarter than you think

Before reading the text about our type of intelligence, I didn’t trust tests suppose to determinate our intelligence. In the past, all the results of similar tests didn’t reflect the reality. When I was reading the text, I was surprise because many things concerning me appear to be true. I found myself in more than one category and I thought that some advices were good. Part B, “picture smart” is the one that represent me the most. For example, they said “too many ideas conveyed in words or numbers may confuse you” and this is true for me. I read that a colour-code could help us and I do find it help full. After reading the text, I realise that we can, with some good questions, determinate our personality or, at least, a part of our personality. I found a couple of interesting facts or advices in this text.