Thursday, February 15, 2007

In the beginning of this episod of the third season, we saw a man, Desmunt, the one who lives in the bunker, run to the sea and save a woman, Claire, who was drowning. It was like if he could see the futur. Charlie and Hurley asked him how he knew the girl was drowning but he did'nt want to tell them the truth. After that, we saw scenes of Desmunt's past or maybe his futur. I was'nt able to tell if it was things that happened before or after he was on the island. During these moments, he had either past memories or futur visions of when he was on the island. When the story came back to the present, Desmunt told Charlie that he did'nt save Claire, in the morning, but him, Charlie. Finally, he told Charlie that he would die soon.

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